Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018

After 9 Years This Blog...

Nice to meet my blog again.
Actually i found this blog and want to active again about writing.
But something that make me sad is my second blog cant opened. I dont know why. Am i forget the password? or something?
Forgive me for this 'mecla mecle' English. But, yeah i try to try my english.
So, i made this blog in 2009, which mean 9 years ago. OMG, im 22 now. So i was 13 when i made this blog. Then i made one blog again but now it freeze. ticoconut.blogspot.com checck it if u wanna read my past story, hehe
now im in 7th semester of my college. And im confuse about scriptsweet that not sweet, hehe.
Oke, this only about my nostalgia.

Menjadi Dewasa (Diary Manusia Overthinking)

 Dewasa.  Apa sih sebetulnya arti dewasa, sekarang termasuknya aku sudah dewasa atau belum. Yang jelas sampai sekarang aku masih sulit memut...